How it all started...
Our History.
Faith Baptist Church has a rich history, dating back to 1894 in Burns. In 1954, part of the congregation organized First Conservative Baptist Church in Hines. In 1976, the Burns and Hines churches united to form Faith Baptist Church of Harney County, located immediately between the two towns. The present building was constructed in 1980. The church continues to be identified as a Conservative Baptist body.
Faith Baptist Church has a rich history, dating back to 1894 in Burns. In 1954, part of the congregation organized First Conservative Baptist Church in Hines. In 1976, the Burns and Hines churches united to form Faith Baptist Church of Harney County, located immediately between the two towns. The present building was constructed in 1980. The church continues to be identified as a Conservative Baptist body.

Expanding the vision...
The vision of faith, Baptist church is living, loving, growing in Christ.
Expanding this vision takes into account the various forms of the gospel current in today’s churches.
There is a forgiveness only gospel, which focuses on forgiveness, and nicks, makes no mention of repentance. No invitation to follow Jesus, and no discussion of obedience that leads to transformation of life, allowing Jesus to live through the person.
There is a gospel that is a liberal gospel, full of liberal policies and ideology, and it focuses primarily on social justice.
There is a consumer gospel that promises to provide everything a person needs convenient, speed, and instant results.
There is a religious gospel, that takes a defensive posture against all other gospels mainly the liberal theology in the left of center politics.
There is a prosperity gospel that teaches that God guarantees, health and wealth in every financial need you have if the person only has enough faith.
Finally, there is the kingdom gospel, which, unlike the aforementioned gospel the kingdom gospel includes a called a self denial it focuses on repentance And calls for the person to become a fully devoted follower of Jesus to Christ, meaning that the person must be a disciple and make disciples.
Faith, Baptist Church looks to implement the kingdom gospel not only within this church but also within the culture within eastern Oregon.
Faith, Baptist Church looks too expanding our vision including the aforementioned principles.
Expanding this vision takes into account the various forms of the gospel current in today’s churches.
There is a forgiveness only gospel, which focuses on forgiveness, and nicks, makes no mention of repentance. No invitation to follow Jesus, and no discussion of obedience that leads to transformation of life, allowing Jesus to live through the person.
There is a gospel that is a liberal gospel, full of liberal policies and ideology, and it focuses primarily on social justice.
There is a consumer gospel that promises to provide everything a person needs convenient, speed, and instant results.
There is a religious gospel, that takes a defensive posture against all other gospels mainly the liberal theology in the left of center politics.
There is a prosperity gospel that teaches that God guarantees, health and wealth in every financial need you have if the person only has enough faith.
Finally, there is the kingdom gospel, which, unlike the aforementioned gospel the kingdom gospel includes a called a self denial it focuses on repentance And calls for the person to become a fully devoted follower of Jesus to Christ, meaning that the person must be a disciple and make disciples.
Faith, Baptist Church looks to implement the kingdom gospel not only within this church but also within the culture within eastern Oregon.
Faith, Baptist Church looks too expanding our vision including the aforementioned principles.
Where we are headed...
Faith, Baptist Church seeks to embrace this definition of discipleship, "An entire life change, a complete change within the person. " This means that the whole purpose in life change happens through transformative discipleship. Additionally, justification and sanctification, combined into one supreme focus, that of a fully devoted disciple of Jesus Christ.
Dallas Willard stated "simply put, as now generally understood, being "saved"—and hence being a Christian—has no conceptual or practical connection with transformation. Again, Dallas Willard stated that one sign of maturity are the thoughts that no longer occur to you.
Faith Baptist Church seek to build out this renewed definition of a disciple, including a complete DNA change where the fabric of our being and our thoughts are now replaced with thoughts as we think and behave like Jesus.
Dallas Willard stated "simply put, as now generally understood, being "saved"—and hence being a Christian—has no conceptual or practical connection with transformation. Again, Dallas Willard stated that one sign of maturity are the thoughts that no longer occur to you.
Faith Baptist Church seek to build out this renewed definition of a disciple, including a complete DNA change where the fabric of our being and our thoughts are now replaced with thoughts as we think and behave like Jesus.

Be a part of our story...
Join us every Sunday as we gather for Sunday School at 9:00 am and to worship together at 10:00 am.